If you want
all the answers about your pet, don’t use Patty. She
doesn’t do that. What she does is listen to your pet and
tell you what she is told. Patty listened to our horse and
came away with a huge amount of information. We are still
sorting out what it all means. Some of it was easy. We
started using that information right away – and noticed a
change in our horse immediately. Other things we didn’t
understand until outside information fell together with
what our horse told her. He told her he liked to be called
“Sir.” This was funny, and it made perfect sense if you
know the guy! He also told her that he liked a certain
person at the stable. A couple of days later, I was
telling a group of people at the stable what he had said.
When I mentioned the “Sir” part, that person said “I
always call him “Sir!”. I admit to hairs standing on the
back of my neck…
And, yes of
course, Patty did tell us things we knew, but she could
not have possibly known about.
We asked Patty
to tell us everything she found out, and she did. That
included things we may not have wanted to hear, things we
can’t do anything about and things that, frankly, we may
not believe in. But that’s what we wanted and needed to
hear. We wanted to find out what was going on in that
furry head of his so we could have a better relationship
with our horse. I think we both agree that’s what
happened. Because of what we now know, I trust my horse
more, and “Sir” trusts me much more. We’ve become much
We weren’t
sure how this whole “pet psychic” thing would work before
we asked for Patty’s help, but we are delighted and
grateful with her help. She certainly made us converts! We
are happy to recommend Patty to anyone who wants a serious
reading of their pet.